How To Write Like A Pro

Mar. 13, 2022 • By Jason Elhilow

DescriptionSome quick tips and tricks on how to write better.
MessageYour mileage may vary. This is just general help, not a fix for everything.
IntroductionWhen it comes to writing in the English language, there are many different ways and ideas of what is best. There is no one form that is better, there is no one way that is superior, as it all relies on context, on the type of written work it is. But every great writer has their ways; every great author has their special touches. Here is a basic guide to what you can do to ensure you are writing the best possible product.
Tip 1 - Write to an AudienceThis tip is especially useful for article writers or those who want to publish their works. When you write, you need to write with intent, with a purpose. Don't just scribble random words down, think about what you put down. Pretend like an audience is right in front of you, pretend that you need to explain exactly what you wrote. If you can not either read aloud or explain in simple terms what your piece is about, then you need to go back and fix it. If an audience of people can't understand what you wrote, then you failed. Writing is meant to communicate a message, whether that's explaining the importance of the Mona Lisa or reviewing your favorite video game. But if an audience of people can't understand that message, then, well, your work is not going to be appreciated.
Tip 2 - Master a Unique StyleTo enjoy what you write, you have to write what you enjoy. This not only includes the topics, but the style, the ideas, the format, etc. Without this, writing is more a chore than a hobby. So find your own unique way of writing, one that may or may not fit into the defaults of today, one that your audience knows you for. This could be certain mannerisms, words, grammar, and so on, all in the hopes of making your writing yours. Whatever it is, that's how you write, and no one can change that.
Tip 3 - Have FunWhen writing, whether is a news article, review, essay, narrative, and so on, make sure you are having fun doing it. If you don't enjoy what you write, then what's the point? And even if it is something you dislike, find a way to relate it to what you have interest in. Having fun is a crucial part of enjoying the writing process, and if you can appreciate what you put down, your reader is more likely to do the same.
ConclusionOut of anything, you can take away that if you want to write like a pro, enjoyment and attention to detail are important aspects of that process. If you love what you write, then hopefully your audience will do the same, no matter what it is. Every person on this planet has a voice, has the ability to use that voice, has the ability to change what they care about. And whether you show it visually or through speech, it is all the same. Use what you have; enjoy what you have. Make sure that the voice given to you is used to its fullest potential. That's all you need to do.