Common Mistakes
Dec. 24, 2021 • By Jason Elhilow
DescriptionSome quick tips and tricks on how to find common mistakes in essays and other forms of writing.
MessageYour mileage may vary. This is just general help, not a fix for everything.
When writing, you can make a plethora of mistakes, either grammatically, structurally, or so on. But the worse, least noticeable yet most detrimental mistakes are spelling ones, especially commonly confused ones. Words like "your" and "you're" are frequently mixed up, but are not interchangeable, as they mean different things. And there are "to," "too," and "two," which can be commonly switched around, without the writer noticing the mistake. There are many different types of these errors when it comes to writing, so keeping a keen eye out for them is paramount to essay writing.