How To Spice Up Your Writing

Apr. 20, 2022 • By Jason Elhilow

DescriptionSome quick tips and tricks on how to make your writing sound better.
MessageYour mileage may vary. This is just general help, not a fix for everything.
IntroductionWriting is definitely an art of style, no matter what you are doing. Even in your most serious work, it is necessary that your work is yours, and that it is satisfying for the reader to view. So, here are the best ways to spice up your writing.
Varied WordingEnsuring that you are not needlessly repetitive in your work is extremely important, as boring the reader is the last thing you want to do. If you want to learn more, you can read Varied Wording and How to Avoid High-Mindedness, streaming exclusively on WRTN. But, an abbreviated version essentially says that you need to make sure that if you are going to be saying the same thing over and over again, then make sure that you are using different vocabulary to up the quality of the work.
Finding a StyleFinding a unique style of writing can greatly increase the value of your work. If something is iconically yours, iconically important, then it will undoubtedly have importance. This is also mentioned in How to Write Like a Pro, which is currently streaming exclusively on WRTN.
Proper StructuringMaking sure that the structure of your work is good is crucial to its success. No matter what the assignment is, there probably is a specific way to build it so it can come out the best way possible. Essays especially follow a rigid rubric, and if you want to learn more, visit How to Structure an Essay streaming exclusively on WRTN or our Essays page.
ConclusionOverall, there are many ways to improve and spice up your writing. Whether through the wording, style choices, or structuring, there are many ways to make your work the best possible, no matter what. Everyone has the ability to make a message, and sometimes, you just need the right guidance to help you get there.