A Quick Biography Of Wassily Kandinsky

Mar. 13, 2022 • By Jason Elhilow

DescriptionA biography quickly overviewing legendary abstract artist Wassily Kandinsky.
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ImageWassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kadinsky was a famous Russian-born artist from the late 19th/early 20th century. He grew up in Odesa, which is now modern-day Ukraine, and graduated from the Grekov Odesa Art School. Kadinsky then went to the University of Moscow, where he studied law/economics and after became a professor. He soon began his pursuit of art. World War I came and went, and Kandinsky moved around Europe, but he finally settled in France, where his most famous paintings came from. He was known to be fascinated by color, symbols, and hidden meanings. Inspired by famous impressionist Claude Monet, who pioneered using art as more of a reflection/interpretation of reality than representing reality itself, Wassily painted things like Composition VII, one of his most famous works.During the time period war was ravaging Europe. People wanted to get away from reality, away from realism. The 20th century also had cameras, making realism less and less useful, so a more creative and mysterious side to art was showing itself. So everyone jumped the ship to abstraction, where Kandinsky focused his artistic ability.He became a French citizen in 1939 and set up a studio there, where he painted constantly. Wassily wanted his art to be profound, spiritual, deep, and to many, he succeeded in that. “Painting is a thundering collision of different worlds, intended to create a new world in and from the struggle with one another, a new world which is the work of art” (Kandinsky). None of his art had an answer as to what it meant. There is no one meaning, no right answer. That’s what abstraction is, that’s what he wanted, and it worked quite well.But all good stories come to an end, and Wassily Kandinsky’s was on December 13, 1944, in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France. He created dozens of renowned paintings, and has now become one of the most well-known artists ever. And abstraction was not left behind, if anything, it expanded, as many more artistic masterminds explored and developed the world of art. Kandinsky left a lasting legacy on the painting world, as his work shall live on forever in the annals of history as the stepping stones in a revolution.