A Ghost Named Gary

Oct. 24, 2024 • By Jason Elhilow & Lillian Williams

DescriptionA short exploring the beauty of Autumn.
MessageWe're reading this in front of five-year-olds on Halloween. Wish us luck!
“Oh no! Oh dear!My favorite flower, Will not live this year. It has lost its pretty colors,And its petals have fallen.All when Autumn came marching in.”
“A rude sort is he, Shaking all the leaves off my favorite tree. I don’t see why Autumn catches many an eye. He turns everything brown and dark;Everything becomes wrinkly like bark. Yes, yes, Autumn is much too sad and scary for me.”
“Gary, my dear, I promise,Not all beauty will disappear! Autumn has much to give, As some find a way to live. Like turkeys!They have no worries, as Autumn isTheir favorite time, they would be no happier, If given a dime!”
“But Squirrel, my friend,What wonders couldAutumn bring in the end?The flowers fade,The skies turn gray,And the winds chase the sunshine away.”
Squirrel grinned, his eyes alight,“Follow me, Gary, there’s more in sight.”They dashed through hills where trees burned bright,Gold and red leaves danced in flight.“See? A final burst before they rest,Autumn’s colors are some of her best!”
Next, to the orchard,With apples so sweet,Juicy and crisp, the perfect treat.Then to the pumpkins, round and bright,Like lanternsGlowing in the soft twilight.
At last,They watched geese soar by,A farewell to Autumn in the sky.Gary smiled,His heart now free,“Autumn's beauty, I finally see.”