
Sep. 6, 2023 • By Jason Elhilow

DescriptionA short using the concept of alliteration to tell a tiny tale of tyranny in a world not to far from our own.
Message"Hey kids. Spelling is fun!"
A serpent stalls when it sees the sly shadow of a small squirrel. Time tortures even the toughest tyrants. How? Within weeks, one can whip from winner to wimp, weeping their loss while the world worships whatever they want. No longer are the naïve nailed by the nefarious' negligence, their neediness, their knife. Freedom is a force to fight for, a fact to never forgo. Achieving it is an avenue to an actuality only acknowledged as awing: life, liberty, and love. And an Earth excluding the egregious, excluding the evil eye of egos and exploiters, will evermore be evergreen, an eternal tint exiting, it endorsing the excellence that existed ere.

Aug. 13, 2023 • By Terence Connors

Aug. 10, 2023 • By Alison Elhilow