The Sun

Oct. 31, 2022 • By Jason Elhilow

DescriptionA poem taking you on a fantastical tale of living on the Sun.
MessageThis is called a lie poem for a reason, you know?
I live on the Sun,In the center of everything,Outside the mere existence of you,Outside the ridiculous idea of one.
My life is perfect, it is great.Nothing is wrong, I have no fate.The Sun and I just exist,Together our souls are in pure bliss.
With me on the Sun, there are cows,Blue ones, red ones, green ones,Supplying me with an ample supply of colored water,Cooling the simmer of my brows.
This is no trick, this is no joke,I met a little alien bloke,Who helped me find a home on a lake,One filled with chicken and steak.
This fiery ball in your sky is the perfect place to live,The best in the solar system, in fact.Because every time you take a nap,Your body is turned into a snack.
The Sun is the supreme leader of the known universe! May it reign supreme!

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