What Is Peace?
Jan. 15, 2021 • By Jason Elhilow
DescriptionA poem exploring the truth of peace and why it is so important to achieve.
MessageWe can only win if we fight together.
What is peace? What does it mean? Why can’t it ever seem to exist?When war rampages our world,People fight for peace.When justice is obstructed,People fight for peace.When everyone is fighting, creating hopelessnessPeople fight for peace.What does this all mean?Does it mean anything?Yes, it does.It shows something,Something more human than we seem to understand.Our togetherness,Our need for others,Our need to put down our weapons,Our need to stop all conflict,Our need to see the humanity we’ve had and still have.It’s only natural to want what you need.The only problem is,That need is different for everyone.What peace means is to look past ourselves,And to look at the greater good of humankind.Peace will cease to exist if this is missing.Chaos will ensue.We need peace.The only way to keep it:Look at the greater good.